What You Should Know About Liver Disease
The main role of the liver it to help in the digestion of food, removal of toxins from blood, and transforming food into energy. The liver may be damaged by obesity, excessive drinking, and disease. However, since your liver is a very resilient organ, it can heal itself with proper treatment. However, if left untreated, liver damage will result in scarring or liver cirrhosis which will eventually cause liver failure.
Liver Disease Symptoms
If you suffer from liver disease, it is always best to consult your hepatology doctor. This will ensure that you get immediate treatment that will prevent liver cirrhosis. Symptoms of liver disease include:
Abdominal swelling and pain
Dark urine
Chronic fatigue
Yellow skin or eyes
Loss of appetite
Vomiting or nausea
Swelling in ankles or legs
If liver disease is left untreated, the symptoms tend to get worse over time. San Antonio gastroenterology doctors can provide the necessary treatment needed to stop or slow down cirrhosis. Liver specialists will offer comprehensive evaluation and treatment for a wide variety of liver conditions. Some of these include:
Drug-Induced Liver Injury
Auto Immune Liver Disease
Viral Hepatitis such as Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C
HIV and Hepatitis C (HCV)
Bile Duct Diseases
Liver Cancers
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Liver Cirrhosis
Chronic liver diseases tend to advance over time and may buildup scar tissues in the liver. This scarring occurs as the liver tries to heal itself owing to repeated damage. The cycle of accumulation of scar tissues or fibrosis may result in the development of liver cirrhosis. Liver cirrhosis tends to block flow of blood to the liver and may result in liver failure. In case liver failure occurs, your hepatology doctor will recommend liver transplantation as the most effective treatment method.
Treatment Modalities for Patients of All Ages
San Antonio gastroenterology doctors have years of experience in the diagnosis, evaluation, and even treatment of liver disease in adults. In addition, they also offer liver care for toddlers and adolescents who suffer from liver disease. The best gastroenterologists will customize the treatment plan to offer you individual care that will slow or stop the disease to ensure that you lead an active and quality life.
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